Introduction To Mole Concept

Well, what exactly is a mole? Trust me, its no rocket science. It's actually an easy concept. See, like we have units of measurement of quantity like dozens, score and the like, similarly, we have moles to represent a large quantity into numbers which can be easily dealt with. To make things a little more clear, take this example:- 1. A dozen chairs (12 chairs, in other words.) 2.A mole of chairs(6.022*10^23) This number, 6.022*10^23 I mean, is the Avogadro'ss number. Basically, a mole contains 6.022*10^23 things. So instead of saying that I have 6.022*10^23 shoes, you can simply say that I have a mole of shoes. However, we do not use it on a daily basis as such a situation is absurd. So this unit is used to calculate the number of electrons, atoms, molecules and the like.....things which are in a large quantity.